Wednesday, March 14, 2012

SillyBugger Casualty to the Yellowfever!

It is with much dismay, and much sadness that I announce the loss of a fellow SillyBugger....

He once drank a Clarens Beer Fest dry, a man who has tracked leopard's for 25 years (without an official sighting), a man who has beaten the Zambian president at croquet, a man who rides scooters barefoot and rejoices the threading of stitches. A man who can recite the entire Afrikaans Floek Boek in the time it takes to bungee jump, a man who body surfs staircases and whispers to Gypsies. This is the man who did it "like a CROSSE".

But unfortunately Daranger has caught the "yellowfever" and is no longer with us.

Remember to take your shots kids (preferably straight-face) :)

The Buggers
Keeping it Silly


  1. Jared, I'm so sad you changed the picture!

    1. James, Im sad I was made to change the picture
