Wow.. Livingstone and Zambia, the place to be in 2011. We arrived in Livingstone, the playground of Africa, late in the afternoon with Fish leading the Windmill game as well as the greatest number of engine stalls (3)..clutch control master 5000. the first night was incredible with jollyboys backpackers providing us with a BED, yes a bed, for the night along with Impala stew. Rocking times, very very cool place to stay.
Later on we were off to our second shoe drop for Bobs for good at a small school just outside Livingstone. WOW - what an event, a truly once in a lifetime experience. We led (The Thunderhorse) the entire group of the Put Foot Rally in a 45min motorcade through Livingstone before arriving to a military brass band procession which escorted us towards the school nearby. It was UNREAL! (Photo's to follow soon) ...
And as usual the SillyBuggers did not disappoint with myself and fish in full school girl attire (7-8 yrs from PEP) and Jared as the thunderhorse Jockey, whip included, sexy guy. Sexy girls. Illegal...YES!
But it was seriously an event to remember...playing soccer with them on the sand soccer field for hours while the sun set in the background...truly Africa.
After setting up camp it was time to feast like kings again and drink free booze sponsored by Jareds ever faithful employers SAB!. The party now with three extra betties, Nicky Q, Mary Fish and Jasmine was INSANE and this time we managed to lead the charge from the first dance. We dont really remember too much of the night but a highlight was Fish insisting I light his blouse and he put it on flames and all...Lets just say the blouse was alight and so was Fishes hand. The night ended with me Nicky Q sleeping under a computer in the internet cafe with a chair as a blanket, only to be gracefully rescued by Mary, taken downstairs where we "Lie" to Jasmine and say "We just going back to camp quickly but we'll be back"...did we come back...NO, Did Jasmine walk home 3km at 4am quite cold amongst buffalo and elephants...YES! good times.
PS - Entering the Put Foot Rally R12000, Buying the Thunderhorse R11000, Fuel to get to Zambia R4000... Not being able to draw money for food or fuel in Lusaka..PRICELESS, there are some things money cant buy, neither can Mastercard... For everything else use VISA!
hahah! too cool