Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whatsup Whatsup Caprivi Strippers?

"Elephants!" Said the sign "ELEPHANTS!" If you've ever driven through the Caprivi strip you'll know what I mean. Did we see any Elephants....no! One of the longest flattest peices of tar the chinese have ever constructed.

The day involved my first transaction, If Visa takes you places mastercard doesn't. Myself and Jared rocking the trusty old maestro cards = cash zero with Fish having to cash out most of the time. At about midday we passed a fire, not uncommon in the dry expanse of northern namibia, that was the ideal opportunity to do some magazine photo shoots type vibes for the thunderhorse.

Sticking your head out a car with sunglasses on, not a good idea! Yes i lost my sunglasses all R30 of the Top Gun aviators. Fish slammed on brakes, after we had driven for 3min contemplating whether or not to stop, so that we could go back and search for them. Not to say we never found my sunglasses but the little kids over the road found it quite amusing watching us jog up and down looking for them. If you're cruising the strip any time soon and you see a little chap rocking the smooth moves on some ladies with R30 aviators, give him a high 5.

We camped at Rainbow camp site on the banks of the river running in to popa falls. Took it easy, watched the sunset over Angola and cooked the Tuna pasta and cheese sauce 5000 before going to sleep. Cold? this place is not cold...

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